Font type and size was (QVGA V/s VGA for GTA03)

David Pottage david at
Wed Jun 11 10:18:45 CEST 2008

On Wed, June 11, 2008 2:59 am, Dale Schumacher wrote:
> If your current display is around 150dpi, you can see what QVGA would be
> like with something like this:
> xterm -fn '*-clean-*--6-*-c-40*' &
> This will give you a terminal window with a 4x6 font cell (3x5 for
> characters + 1px spacing).  Note that the automatic "smear bold" make this
> font unreadable, but the non-bold works.
> However, I would much prefer to use a larger font on a VGA-size display
> with 285dpi, like this:
> xterm -fn '*-clean-med*--16-*-c-80-*' -fb '*-clean-bold*--16-*-c-80-*' &

Thank you for that. You have added some useful light to the discussion on
graphics resolution compared with all the heat. It is a simple test that
anyone running Linux, or most other X servers (even cygwin) can run.

Having tried the test myself I would say the difference is like night and
day. At QVGA you can just about log into your box to reboot your web
server if you need to, but the whole experence is quite painfull. At full
VGA you can examine log files and the like and actualy figure out the root
cause of any problems and fix them.

This is the difference between windows sysadmins (reboot at the first sign
of trouble), and unix sysadmins who actually find and fix the root cause.

For myself I already have a QVGA Nokia phone with PuTTy, so I can log in
remotely in an emergency, but VGA is so nice that with a Freerunner I
probably would log in in other situations as well.

David Pottage

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