Wireless Cracking / Hacking on the FreeRunner

Nadav nadava at gmail.com
Sat May 17 20:12:09 CEST 2008

An important difference between Monitor mode and Promiscuous mode is
that in monitor mode you are only a passive receiver and cannot send
any packets out.
In promiscuous mode the device can also transmit packets (on the
network it is associated with).

Another thing, which I am not too sure of so don't take my word for
it, is that in Promiscuous mode one might be able to receive packets
from other SSIDs that are on the same channel. This might be
vendor-dependent though.

An option like this could be useful, for example, if you want to be
associated with an AP but at the same time receive traffic on an
ad-hoc network on the same channel.


On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 5:28 AM, Brad Midgley <bmidgley at gmail.com
<http://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community>> wrote:

>* Hey
*>>* There is an email from Andy Green in March saying says we don't have
*>>* monitor mode, which I think means no promiscuous mode.
*AFAIK monitor mode and promiscuous mode are two different things.

Monitor mode makes the card receive everything going over the air, not
just packets with its SSID, while promiscuous mode allows you to
receive IP traffic not destined for you (in a network connected with a
hub, when you use a switch, things get interesting with ARP hijacking

and the like)

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