Europe Distribution

Pietro "m0nt0" Montorfano monto84 at
Thu May 22 00:47:17 CEST 2008

Rodolphe Ortalo ha scritto:
> Bonjour!
> Tiens tiens... voilà une adresse email qui me rappelle quelque chose;
> bien que je n'ai pas remis les pieds a l'école depuis un sacré bout de
> temps. (Ouf, déjà...!)  
> Merci pour le lien vers le revendeur local en tout cas.
> Rodolphe Ortalo (1994) ;-)

Bene son felice di vedere che parli il francese...

Well i'm glad to see that you can talk french but this is a public ml 
and not everybody know frenc (me for example) so i (and other people) 
can't understand anything of what you said. So please talk in english, 
imagine what could happend if the asian people will stop writing in with 
our letter and start to write in chinese with their ideograms (i like 
them but i can't understand nothing)...



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