Library can handle MP3 id3tag encoding

Michael T. Dean mtdean at
Wed May 28 11:52:55 CEST 2008

On 05/27/2008 09:58 PM, Bin Chen wrote:
> Is there a good library can handle MP3 id3tag encoding easily? AFAIK,
> the encoding that in the id3tag can't be decided, it maybe ASCII,
> UTF-8 and others which sometimes cause the software to decode some
> error character.
> The libid3tag can do raw reading to id3tag but not handle the encoding easily.

Have you looked at TagLib?  (Though it's at the KDE 
website, it doesn't require the KDE libs.)  Don't know how well it 
handles encodings, but MythMusic recently switched from libid3tag to TagLib.


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