[Om2008.9] GPS && pre-fetching maps from openstreetmap.org

Matthias Apitz guru at unixarea.de
Wed Oct 29 13:57:40 CET 2008

El día Wednesday, October 29, 2008 a las 01:39:44PM +0100, Mik Doud escribió:

> You can use the download function of TangoGPS : When you click on the map,
> just select the option "downlad map" and then you have to choose the zoom
> level you want to download. Of course, you first have to pan the map to go
> to cuba, and then use the download option.

I know, but I was more thinking in something like:

$ fetch http://tile.openstreetmap.org/xxx/yyyy/nnnn.png

I've had a look into /media/card/osm and it seems that there is a subdir
for each zoom-level:

/media/card/osm# ls
10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9


root at om-gta02:/media/card/osm# ls 15
17437  17439  17441  17443  17600  17602  17604  17606  8765   8767 8885   8887   8889   8891   8893
17438  17440  17442  17444  17601  17603  17605  17607  8766   8884 8886   8888   8890   8892   8894
root at om-gta02:/media/card/osm# ls 15/8888
14215.png  14216.png  14217.png  14218.png  14219.png

which let me think that the subdir '8888' in 15 and the files *.png
is some coding of mapping the area coordinates to file names; 

I've already installed (compiled) TangoGPS into my FreeBSD laptop, which
went without any kind of problem and I'm 'panning' there the map which
gives (ofc) the same file tree...

Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
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