[debian at fr] missing LAN tools

Jim Ancona jim at anconafamily.com
Mon Sep 22 15:37:15 CEST 2008

Christian Weßel wrote:
> But how can I install the network tools, if I don't get contact to a
> repository?
> I checked the resolv.conf
>> debian-gta02:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf 
>> nameserver
> It is the same as before. And it is a valid DNS server.

Can ssh to your FR, meaning that you have network connectivity? Are you 
using USB and/or wifi networking?

If you can ssh to it, but you can't connect outbound, that usually means 
that you don't have the default gateway set properly. If you are using 
USB, try:

route del default gw
route add default gw


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