using toolchain

arne anka openmoko at
Wed Apr 1 11:46:29 CEST 2009

> I don't understand what I have to write in command exactly, I'm
> working on Debian
> but I runned this command: sudo tar -xjvf
> ~/sources/openmoko-XYZ-arm-linux-gnueabi-toolchain.tar.bz2

i don't know how good sudo is supported nowadays in debian, but i prefer  
to _be_ root instead:
su -
and then do it again without sudo.

>  but I obtained this error:
> tar: /root/sources/openmoko-XYZ-arm-linux-gnueabi-toolchain.tar.bz2 :
> la fonction open a échoué: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type
> tar: Erreur non récupérable : arrêt du traitement
> tar: Child returned status 2
> tar: Des erreurs ont provoqué l'arrêt du programme

my french is rather rusty, but it might mean that you either don't have  
bzip2 installed or that the archive is corrupt.

i strongly urge you to use the second attempt suggested:

   bunzip2 openmoko-*-arm-linux-gnueabi-toolchain.tar.bz2
   gzip openmoko-*-arm-linux-gnueabi-toolchain.tar
   fakeroot alien -d openmoko-*-arm-linux-gnueabi-toolchain.tar.gz
   sudo dpkg -i openmoko_*-arm-linux-gnueabi-toolchain*.deb

thus you have far more control over the files installed and you could  
remove them easily. additionally, the chances to break your system are  
significantly smaller.

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