Problems in openmoko-messages

Klaus 'mrmoku' Kurzmann mok at
Sat Apr 4 15:18:08 CEST 2009

Am Samstag 04 April 2009 13:23:41 schrieb foringer at
> Hello list!
> Lately I started to use SHR testing distrib on my FR device and found very
> big problem. I'm from Russia and want to send SMS messages on my native
> language, but cannot do it. When I type a new message in russian language -
> nothing is displayed on the screen, when typing in english everything is
> ok. I can perfectly receive message in Russian, but cannot send. Need your
> help.
This is a known problem with enlightenment and UTF8 input... Don't know of a 
fix... not even in sight.

> Big thanks...
> Nik

Klaus 'mrmoku' Kurzmann

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