
Lothar Behrens lothar.behrens at
Sun Apr 5 13:08:20 CEST 2009


I am mostly reading and sometime writing here. If it was useful or  
useless - I don't know. But anyway.

Let me arse around with some stupid ideas :-)

What is a open phone?

Is it only open source software or is it also open hardware?

If software could be developed virtually at any place and from any  
person, why don't we do the same for

Ok I cannot buy expensive equipment to test hardware that I may have  
developed, but I virtually could
develop hardware. But many developers at one subject could spend money  
for a rent to let one of the
team do outstanding tests.

Isn't it possible to also develop hardware collaboratively?

There are many hobby projects around in the net. These are really not  
at a level as OpenMoko or in
general a device such as a mobile phone, but what is if we could get  
preproduced components such
as the gsm 'plugin board'?

I mean, if I am a crack in developing gsm stuff, but don't like to buy  
a complete phone for it, I probably buy
the gsm module, say, with an interface connectable anyhow to a PC.

What I also think about, is why are there only PDF schematics available?

I have only heared about the dash derivat of openmoko device. Is it  
because there is only a PDF available?

If it is possible to delegate hardware development tasks to the  
comunity why isn't it done yet?

So when also open up the real circuit 'source code' - the real CAD  
files, would it give the real goal - the open mobile phone - a real  

Then if there are some results that have a chance to become a real  
'next' phone, a company like openmoko could
think about producing some prototypes. So the company has a reduced  

There is one really good electronics project: The internal debug board.

This is only one sample that there are hardware developers out there.  
Give them more food.

My education in 1987 till 1990, was electronics engineering. I do not  
any more practice in that area. So I stuck in some conflict
not to start any electronics projects, because I have the glue the  
project will be a one man show and keep a hobby project. But
if there would be a collerative project I could join, I propably  
would. And may it only getting more practice in laying out PCB boards
whose schematics other developers have created.

If that would be possible, then it would be a real open phone :-)

End of arsing around. Is there a potential to create a hardware  
development comunity?

To avoid that each individual will start its own variant we could  
using a vote system before any direction is done, say wich formfactor is
used, for sample.

Sean: This would propably help continue GTA3 development. The risk to  
produce it, would only invest some inspections of a new design
and doing integration tests. And even this could be donated.

Dont let a great idea die. Delegate hardware development activities if  
possible. We are a comunity.


Am 05.04.2009 um 11:18 schrieb Johny Tenfinger:

> It seems like "plan B" doesn't share anything with phones and...  
> Linux ;(
> 2009/4/5, David Reyes Samblas Martinez <david at>:
>> only add that replies are quite unfair to a any free project whatever
>> it succeed or not.
>> 2009/4/5 David Reyes Samblas Martinez <david at>:
>>> Yes very sad wrong titular "No More OpenMoko Phone " and very
>>> discorageus comentaries :(
>>> 2009/4/5 robert lazarski <robertlazarski at>:
>>>> Not pretty. As someone who has been lurking on this list for 1 1/2
>>>> years, patiently waiting to buy a phone but trying to avoid buzz  
>>>> fix
>>>> parties if I could help it, I suppose its not surprising. On the
>>>> positive side, I'll stick around to see what happens with plan b  
>>>> - if
>>>> that is there's anyone left to develop it and its not vapor. I like
>>>> the idea of Freerunner, just not its execution. I'd like to  
>>>> surprised
>>>> though and see a turn around. And yes, I'll probably buy one that
>>>> ships without hardware problems.
>>>> - R
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>>> David Reyes Samblas Martinez
>>> Open ultraportable & embedded solutions
>>> Openmoko, Openpandora, GP2X the Wiz, Letux 400, Arduino
>>> Hey, watch out!!! There's a linux in your pocket!!!
>> --
>> David Reyes Samblas Martinez
>> Open ultraportable & embedded solutions
>> Openmoko, Openpandora, GP2X the Wiz, Letux 400, Arduino
>> Hey, watch out!!! There's a linux in your pocket!!!
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-- | Rapid Prototyping | XSLT Codegeneration |
Lothar Behrens
Heinrich-Scheufelen-Platz 2
73252 Lenningen

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