Camera module as back case (was Re: Slashdotted)

Lothar Behrens lothar.behrens at
Mon Apr 6 11:41:57 CEST 2009

About the camera issue:

I have read something about a small computer base case that has a jack  
or bus system ontop of it's
case. That way it is extendable with cameras or what ever. I don't  
know where it was but it was cool.

Why not think about a back case that includes a cam and using contacts  
in the inner housing to connect
the cam to, say an I2C bus or even an USB hub (USB2)?

If an USB jack is mounted that way, such a 'pimp my neo with a cam  
module' would propably a gatget
one could buy. (Expected he want's a camera :-)

The usual neo looks as before when this replacement back case isn't  
used and when used, there may also
the possibility to add an extra battery.

I asked some time ago, if it would be practical to have a database  
application on the neo
(Database applications practical on mobile device ?).

There was an interest, that may also involved to have a camera option:
Joseph Reeves argued that it would be very interesting to contribute  
or evaluate. As he is a member at the above link,
the 'archaeology service' would propably benefit from such a cam  
gatget with extra battery, because they seem
to make much pictures in the archaeology work, thus they need also  
long live usability.

If the gatget didn't really be implementable with the USB connector in  
mind, it would be an option to connect with
bluetooth and only connect the extra battery.


One gatget to track GPS locations,
correlate directly the pictures with the GPS positions (I am  
struggling with my extra cam and the GPS traces),
propably add voice notes that are GPS correlated.


The standard back case, could be used to mod it as a first prototype.  
I have seen a post with pictures that show something
with an extra battery. (The second last picture from here:
That could be done colleraborately. The bluetooth camera:


As thicker than one battery,
As thicker than a cam module,
As thicker than the supporting electronics.

Using BRLCAD could be an option to create a preview, when possible  
components with their sizes are choosen.

The database that may be the backend should be discussed separately. I  
am practicing the idea of model driven development and fast prototyping.
I have seen wxWidgtes on my neo, but not yet found the time to start  
porting my code to it :-(

But prototyping from a desktop would be possible for creating python  
CRUD applications at the end (code generation).


Am 06.04.2009 um 10:29 schrieb David Reyes Samblas Martinez:

> I finally see your face :),  I also add great voice
> Great excerpt of what's going on there in OM  thanks steve.
> As Risto sais way to go :)
> 2009/4/6 Steve Mosher <steve at>:
>> Hair straightener required.
>> Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
>>> I'm just amazed to see this discussion, that actually someone from
>>> Openmoko (=Steve) is responding to the ideas, sharing their/his
>>> thoughts. As someone pointed already out earlier in this thread -  
>>> this
>>> is what an open company is supposed to be doing. Way to go, keep up
>>> the good work, we're looking forward to see the free&open
>>> hair-straightener with WLAN :)
>>> r
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> David Reyes Samblas Martinez
> Open ultraportable & embedded solutions
> Openmoko, Openpandora, GP2X the Wiz, Letux 400, Arduino
> Hey, watch out!!! There's a linux in your pocket!!!
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-- | Rapid Prototyping | XSLT Codegeneration |
Lothar Behrens
Heinrich-Scheufelen-Platz 2
73252 Lenningen

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