[0M2008.12] qtopia theme

PaulTT paultt at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 12:18:07 CEST 2009

>>> /opt/Qtopia/pics/themes/${theme} path. This is explained also in docs [1].
>> in my om2008 i don't have this directory
>> it's different
> You've to create it! ;)

yes, themes' images live into /opt/Qtopia/pics/themes/<name_of_the_theme>/ dir
you can also have Qtopia in another place, that's possible, like
/opt/Trooltech/Qtopia/pics/themes, wander trough the filesystem to
find Qtopia/pics, basically, under it there are the images and the
themes ;)

in om2008 the default theme is finxi, so maybe you would like -to ease
your life- to save that directory, and substitute files in there. they
are in Qpicture format (.pic extension), so you'd remove the .pic file
and put there then .svg, or .png if you like, with the same name, for
example buttoncall.pic can be replaced by buttoncall.png

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