Navit is not finding current position

Tilman Baumann tilman at
Sat Apr 11 22:27:40 CEST 2009

On 07.04.2009, at 09:23, Francesco de Virgilio wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Christ van Willegen ha scritto:
>> On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 6:55 PM, Christ van Willegen
>> <cvwillegen at> wrote:
>>>> Any hint on this?
>>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>> If you run Navit from the terminal, it may tell you...
>>> In my case, it seems that the libgps installed on my system is too  
>>> new.
>>> I haven't figured out how to solve this yet, but I'll let you know  
>>> if
>>> I find out.
>> I got Navit to work doing the following
>> - Drop to a shell prompt on the FreeRunner (or use ssh to connect)
>> - cd /usr/lib
>> - ln -s
>> This makes Navit think that is installed.
>> Note: This may work for Navit for now, but may break other programs.

Pardon!? Yes it is hackish and ugly and potentially not stable.
But there is just no way how it could break other apps that are  
correctly linked. And wrongly linked apps might work which they did  
not before.

> If someone has used this solution, could confirm me that TangoGPS
> continued to work? I'm trying this in my SHR-testing, but I don't want
> any breakage.

Com on. People who don't understad what this command does should not  
use a developer phone or should not tinker with it.

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