[QtExtended] Latest and greatest, progress mail 7

Franky Van Liedekerke liedekef at telenet.be
Thu Apr 16 13:53:36 CEST 2009

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Sound Freedom
<sound.of.freedom at gmail.com>wrote:

> 2) I did a test. :
> I called me with a number which is in my SIM, I saw : "Contact-Sim"/hp
> I called me with a number which is in the Tel memory, I saw :
> "Contact-Tel"/m
> I called me with a number which is not registered & send his number , I saw
> : "Unknow caller"
> "/hp" seems to be a contact registered from sim card
> "/m" seems to be a contact from tel memory
> But I tryed something else :
> I deleted my "Contact-tel" & called me with his number, The phone showed me
> "Contact-Tel"/m
> I restarted QTEi, called me, The phone showed me "Contact-Tel"/m... I
> watched my Contact list, "Contact-Tel came back.
> So, I re-deleted my "Contact-tel" & restarted. I Watched on my contact
> list, "Contact-Tel" was not here. Called me again & The tel showed me
> "Unknown Caller"

QTEi "merges" all contacts from your SIM into your addressbook, so when a
contact is on the SIM, it will also be in the phonebook.
The "/m" and "/hp" probably mean "/mobile" and "/homephone", nothing to do
with SIM/memory.

Although I found something weird: incoming calls say this:
Name: unknown
Number: Contact-name/m

But when I call that number from the incoming-call list, that of course
didn't work (it said: Dialing 'A', and that number doesn't exist). So the
parsing of the incoming number is wrong ... probably something I changed
yesterday evening ...
So for now you will not see anything reasonable in the incoming list ...

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