Why enlightenment?

arne anka openmoko at ginguppin.de
Thu Apr 16 15:02:50 CEST 2009

> So what if the company decided to use that money for something you do
> not want to be part of, or you think they are throwing away your money
> doing stupid things. Well, I think at that moment you should pawn the
> product, not endorse it (maybe even publicly denounce it) and then find
> another company or product you can be happy with.

that's a constellation you have to cope with in every commercial product  
(and even in others, too, though you might not measure your investments in  
terms of money).
what's more, with most companies you don't neither have a saying in what  
the money is spent for nor do you actually get information about what that  
company plans are at all.

the difference with the freerunner is, that you can install what  
environment you want and that you are not limited by the decisions the  
company makes after you bought.
with the amount of freedom available, openmoko as company in question  
cannot be supposed to invest in all and every available technology, be it  
a desktop environment or merely a toolkit, but instead one way has to be  
but om having their money on e does not mean, you are forced to use e.

if, on the other hand, you demand that you have a saying in what the  
company does with your money, clinging to the merely ficitional conception  
of splitting your money in a part for the actual hardware, a part for  
development done and a part for development to come -- there won't be many  
things left you could purchase.

btw: that whole question is not at all about e or gtk or qt, but what to  
expect from a frre device -- and that question in turn has been discussed  
in extenso already.

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