shr - messages + wsod

Nelson Castillo arhuaco at
Thu Apr 16 17:58:44 CEST 2009

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 4:51 AM, Vinzenz Hersche <hersche at> wrote:
> hello there,
> i saw, the shr-team isn't work fast in the last weeks.. :s (most commits are 3
> weeks or older)
> i'm now interested, when the first stable-version would be released. now, there
> is also the wsod back and the sms-application crashes when it should loading(
> the sms (works in testing but not in unstable)..

Hello Vinzenz. Are you sure about the WSOD?

I just tested the latest GTA02 kernel with SHR unstable and
suspend/resume worked as expected.



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