[OM2009] Using fso-image instead of fso-paroli

François TOURDE fr-om at tourde.org
Thu Apr 16 18:35:59 CEST 2009


First, about future distrib: Whaouh! What a great job !!!! Nice work !

And now, a few questions:

1) I use fso-image instead of fso-paroli, because I'll be able to launch
other apps. But I don't know how to auto-lauch Paroli.

I've tried to do something like for zhone (i.e. a file in
/etc/X11/XSession.d/) but it doesn't work. Paroli is running, but
without displaying anything.

2) How to stop/start Paroli? I use the cross-icon (like for other apps),
but paroli still running, I must kill it from ssh.

3) Must I restart frameworkd (/etc/init.d/framework restart) for new
ringtone to be taken into account?

Ceux qui vous disent que Linux n'est pas convivial vous mentent,
je n'ai jamais rencontré autant de gens que depuis que je l'utilise..

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