ffalarms 0.2.1 and atd-over-fso (now works on SHR-testing)

Steven ** montgoss+openmokocommunity at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 06:27:51 CEST 2009

A well written app that works quite well under latest SHR-testing
(installed via opkg directly from SHR feeds).

One area I think needs improvement ASAP:  my Freerunner suspends (thus
silencing the alarm) before the alarm gets loud enough to really wake
me up.  SHR goes back to suspended after about 1 minute even if
ffalarms is playing the alarm. There are two things that would help
1. Make the loudness increase by more with each step. Ideally this
would be configurable.
2. Make ffalarms prevent suspend for a time, maybe 5 minutes.  (Note
that it would be REALLY bad to prevent suspend indefinitely, as I
might forget I set an alarm and walk away from the phone, only to come
back hours later to an empty battery)

Overall, it looks very good.  I'll give it a test tonight/tomorrow morning.  ;-)


2009/3/27 Łukasz Pankowski <lukpank at o2.pl>:
> Hello
> I am the author of Finger friendly alarms [1].  Which I developed for
> Om 2008.12 up to version 0.2.
> I am happy to announce version 0.2.1 of ffalarms which adds support
> for SHR (tested on SHR testing) -- for this I ported atd to work on
> top of FSO Framework Time API (called atd-over-fso available from
> ffalarms download page [2]).  Version 0.2 also fixes Daylight Saving
> Time problem and adds several minor improvements, see [3] for
> installation instructions and detailed changes and [2] for downloads.
> Please report any problems or possible improvements (those may take
> long time to come :)).
> [1] http://ffalarms.projects.openmoko.org/
> [2] http://projects.openmoko.org/frs/?group_id=260
> [3] http://projects.openmoko.org/frs/shownotes.php?release_id=488
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