[orrery] new version (2.6) available

Ken Young rtm at cfa.harvard.edu
Sun Apr 26 18:28:11 CEST 2009

If Sean is ever to begin receiving daily orders for pallets of 50,000
3G-enabled Freerunners, certain core applications must be attractive,
quickly responsive, and absolutely bullet proof.   We all know what these
applications are: Dialer, Contacts, Meteor Shower Information, SMS
Messaging and Calendar.    Let's be frank - Meteor Shower Information has
long been the weak link in the Freerunner's PIM (Planet Information
Management) software suite.  This has been, I believe, one of the biggest
barriers to mainstream consumer acceptance of the phone.
Well no more.   A new version of the orrery program (version 2.6) is
available which provides several essential pieces of information about meteor
showers.   It puts YOU, the Freerunner owner, in charge of your nightly
meteor watching activities.

Version 2.6:
    New user features:

       Added meteor shower information.   There
       is now a page under the "opts" menu which
       gives information about all meteor showers
       for the year (the year can be changed with
       the "time" menu, of course).   Things
       such as the dates of the showers, the
       maximum rate of meteors per hour, the
       phase of the moon for each shower's peak
       and the number of dark hours, are shown.
       Also shown is the number of dark hours
       for the next or current night.   The "items"
       menu allows you to specify that meteor
       radiants for currently active showers
       should be plotted on the sky display.
       The radiant position moves against the
       background stars as the shower progresses.

       Added a way to change the sky display's
       center azimuth quickly.   Now, if you
       tap the center of the pan area or press
       (long tap) anywhere in the pan area, a
       compass will appear which will allow you
       to select a new center azimuth with your
       finger or stylus.   When you release
       pressure on the screen, the display will
       be redrawn with the selected azimuth
       at the center.    You can still pan in
       the old way by tapping in the panning area
       (bottom 1/5 of the screen).

    Bug Fixes:

       Fixed a bug which prevented fullscreen
       mode and flashlights from working under

       Fixed nonstandard date display

The new version is available here:


I thank the International Meteor Organization
for permission to use their data to produce the meteor shower
related displays.

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