Navit skins...

"Marco Trevisan (Treviño)" mail at
Mon Apr 27 01:48:41 CEST 2009

Marco Trevisan (Treviño) wrote:
> D. Gassen wrote:
>> Am 06.04.2009 um 02:49 schrieb Marco Trevisan (Treviño):
>>> Hello, some days ago I saw this nice skin for Navit [1] on scap.
>>> Please, could the author share it? :P
>>> Anyway, how can these skins be written?
>> Maybe you want to check out [1], [2] and [3].
> Thanks after few searches I found that too :P

I've finally modified the OSD skin to improve the usability (from my
point of view). You can find it here [4].

>>> And... How can be enabled the 3d-view? Should I change something in my
>>> navit.xml to get it working with latest svn version?
>> On [1] they mention a "cegui" (not supported anymore) that can be  
>> started in 3D mode by specifying:
> Well, it should work also in the gtk view using a svn version of navit
> (check also its wiki homepage), but it doesn't to me. :(

I've just found that to use the 3d-mode with the gtk interface I have to
set manually the pitch by using the "w" and "x" key of the keyboard
(rotation with "a" and "d").

Maybe should be added a pre-set "3d" view in the Display menu too.


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