[New Mokomaze] Coming soon

Biagio Marino ilcristopagano at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 10:17:43 CEST 2009

Wow i have seen the new mokomaze's video very Cool!!!

Il giorno lun, 27/04/2009 alle 00.37 -0700, ANT ha scritto:
> Hello list!
> I want to tell that Mokomaze (ball-in-the-labyrinth game) is still
> developing.
> Currently I am preparing release of a new version (with completely new
> physics and graphics engines) which will satisfy (almost) all your
> improvement requests.
> The upcoming version (0.5.0) will include many changes compared with
> previous one:
>  * a good-looking skin ( yeah, programmer's art :) )
>  * use ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) instead of my own physics engine
>  * rolling ball animation
>  * falling ball animation
>  * gravity calibration feature
>  * GUI improvements
>  * added exit button ( hello, Fyp/Neovento users :) )
> I am planning to public the release within a week.
> Until than, you can see a screenshots on the project's homepage [1]
> and watch the demonstration video on youtube [2].
> [1] http://mokomaze.projects.openmoko.org/
> [2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVRRXx2kEu8
> Regards,
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