[All?] Dictator - the most undemocratic recording and dictationsoftware ever

Helge Hafting helge.hafting at hist.no
Mon Apr 27 11:29:18 CEST 2009

Thomas Franck wrote:
> Hi..
> Helge Hafting wrote:
>> Also, dictator seems to record in stereo, while these sources are mono. 
>> One channel is silent. Avoiding unnecessary stereo gives the cpu less 
>> work, which is important with this weak cpu.
> I haven't tested Dictator yet.. but I really liked the way the other
> recording software[1] did it.. with incoming/outgoing sound separated on
> different channel that..
Such use of stereo is nice, of course. What I objected to was the 
recording of all sound in one channel, and then adding a silent channel 
as well. There is no need for that.

Helge Hafting

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