[SHR unstable] no USB networking (with Windows)?

Vasco Névoa vasco.nevoa at sapo.pt
Thu Feb 26 19:03:24 CET 2009

Hi folks.
First off, a BIG THANKS to the SHR team; this is the best distro I  
tried for GTA02 in a long while. :)

Second, a weird problem I'm having... I updated my system with opkg  
yesterday, and a bunch os problems were corrected (yay!) and I'm using  
the phone in "everyday life", but now I can't login via SSH on my  
windows box.
This works just fine if I reboot into the "Hackable:1" distro on the  
card and also worked fine with the OM2008.12/testing distro previously  
on flash.
The "g_ether" module is loaded and the usb0 interface is UP and  
configured with the correct IP... but the Windows box just doesn't  
connect anymore. I don't have a Linux box here, I'll have to try much  
later on.

Hints, anyone?


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