[Om2008.9] Spanish Illume keyboard (was: Call for Illume keyboardsand keyboard icons)

Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio jldominguez at prodevelop.es
Thu Jan 1 14:45:01 CET 2009

Hola. This table:


shows a numeric value to the right. Perhaps the keyboard description accepts that too? Like this:

normal ¿ 0x0bf

Nice Cuban blog, by the way.



De: Matthias Apitz [mailto:guru at unixarea.de]
Enviado el: jue 01/01/2009 13:42
Para: Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio
CC: List for Openmoko community discussion
Asunto: Re: [Om2008.9] Spanish Illume keyboard (was: Call for Illume keyboardsand keyboard icons)

El día Thursday, January 01, 2009 a las 12:26:57PM +0100, Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio escribió:

> Hello, Matthias. Thanks for that Spanish keyboard. I have no idea why you have that strange behavior. The only differences I see between your new row at the top and the other rows are:
> - it does not begin at x = 0,
> - it does not reach the right border of the keyboard
> - it does not follow the honeycomb model:
> http://w3.antd.nist.gov/wctg/netanal/honeycomb.gif
> I would copy one of the existing rows (for example "[TAB] Q W E R T Y ... ") and then set the y coordinate value to zero and see what happens.


I followed your hint and copied over the "[TAB] Q W E R T Y ... " as
first row (changing the y coordinate to zero) and it works fine, in
'normal' and 'caps' mode, as you may see here:


Then I changed the chars to the Spanish tilde chars, for example:

key  45  0  30  30
  normal   ¿  questiondown
  shift    ?  question
  capslock ?  question
key  75  0  30  30
  normal   á  aacute
  shift    Á  Aacute
  capslock Á  Aacute

and so on, letting there the remainin chars, as you see in


as before, the 'normal' keyes are working as they should, the 'caps'
keyes give wrong result; if one only HUP the 'enlightenment' processes,
the result is more or less random, if one starts the Xserver new, the
result stays in the small letter;

I think there is a bug in interpreting the file (or the values like
'Eacute', ...), and for the moment we
have to live with "letras minúsculas" (small letters) only for the moment;

Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
Gruenwalder Weg 28g - 82041 Oberhaching - Germany
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <matthias.apitz at oclc.org> - w http://www.oclc.org/ http://www.UnixArea.de/
b http://gurucubano.blogspot.com/

SPAMer of the year: Subject: Alle Software ist Deutsche Sprachen
>From: -40 % die Neujahrsaktion <GabrielleKelley at grungecafe.com>

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