When will kernel 2.6.24 be replaced by andy 2.6.28 kernel for better suspend/resume?

David Garabana Barro david at garabana.com
Mon Jan 5 15:14:12 CET 2009

On Monday 05 January 2009 14:45:26 Fox Mulder wrote:
> Hi all,
> many mails i read in the kernel mailing list show that newer patches
> should only be applied to andy-tracking kernel and no more to the old
> 2.6.24 om kernel.
> Especially the suspend/resume behaviour seems to be a big problem with
> the 2.6.24 kernel. I install about once a week a new 2.6.24 kernel in
> debian but in the last few weeks the suspend behaviour didn't change
> anymore.

On my experience, it has nothing (or nearly nothing) to do with kernel, but to 
#1024 (bouncing calypso). I'm suffering from this bug since I bought my FR on 
September. I also had a lot of suspend/resume problems, with every distro I 
tried (and I tried nearly all).

At first I though that they were different problems. #1024 made that I lose 
some calls, and on the other hand sometimes I couldn't resume from sleep. 

But since I'm using SHR, with recommended 2.6.24 kernel and "never deep sleep" 
activated, I had not ONE SINGLE problem with suspend/resume nor with lost 
calls. It simply suspends and resumes every time I try it, and I receive all 

I'm not saying there were not other problems with kernel and suspend, but with 
a recent 2.6.24 kernel and "never_deep_sleep", it works like a charm for me. 
If I don't activate "never_deep_sleep", It behaves as any other distro I 
tried. It sometimes don't resume, and I lose some calls.

I hope #1024 is resolved ASAP. I think this will solve nearly all problems 
people has trying to use FR as daily phone.

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