[FSO/SHR/Debian] Update to BtGPS.py

Angus Ainslie angus.ainslie at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 00:25:59 CET 2009

BtGPS.py is a script to turn your Freerunner into a bluetooth GPS
unit. I've updated the scripts to work with fso. When paring the
passkey is in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf , the default is '1234'

Installation instructions

opkg install gps-utils python-pygtk  ( debian will be apt-get install
something )
wget http://handheldshell.com/software/fso/BtGPS.py
wget http://handheldshell.com/software/fso/btgps.desktop

mv BtGPS.py /usr/bin
chmod +x /usr/BtGPS.py
mv btgps.desktop /usr/share/applications

Angus Ainslie

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