Conflict when several apps use the accelerometers?

Al Johnson openmoko at
Mon Jan 12 12:31:14 CET 2009

On Monday 12 January 2009, Helge Hafting wrote:
> Is it possible to let several apps use the accelerometers, similiar to
> how several apps may share the gps unit?
> I noticed that omnewrotate seems to monopolize the accelerometers,
> so openmoocow and duke can't use them.  Omnewrotate is
> useful to have, and there will probably be more games using the
> accelerometers.

The gps unit itself is single access too - we use gpsd, gypsy or ogpsd to 
allow access by multiple apps. The same goes for (most) sound interfaces, 
with esd, pulseaudio and so on providing mediation for multiple apps. So far 
we don't have anything to do this with the accelerometers AFAIK.

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