How do mobile developers make decisions? Collaborate in this Carnegie Mellon investigation!

albertolia ing.lia at
Thu Jan 15 19:18:57 CET 2009

Hi folks, thanks for your attention! 
We need YOUR support to leverage our research results! Since Open Source
Platforms, like yours, are going to drive mobile market and may soften
fragmentation issues, we're truly interested in learning YOUR OPINION.
To start now the survey and get the chance to win a PRIZE click here: START NOW!  
Below a short description of our project: 

We're doing a research project on the mobile ecosystem 
in the Mobility Research Center at Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley. 
Our main goal in our current study is to understand the decision-making 
process followed by mobile applications developers/start-ups. 
We are particularly interested in how they decide upon platform(s), device
carrier(s), and market, as well as the relative importance of technology 
and business factors. 

Our research process includes a formal survey, a series of interviews, and a
public wiki. 
So we would like you to complete our SURVEY at  
We think that it will take about 10-15 minutes to complete the survey 
and will close by the beginning of February. 
You can WIN A PRIZE and RECEIVE A FREE SUMMARY REPORT of our activity.
We will make the results public on our wiki, as well as through 
public presentations. 
It would be great if you could pass along this message and this link to
other mobile folks and perhaps to post it on your blogs, twitter...
We want to follow up with some people in more detail. If you would 
have about 30 minutes for an informal interview, please let us know. 
We've just started a wiki on this topic and encourage you 
to visit, contribute, and let others know about it. 
It's at 

Thanks for your help, and best wishes for the holidays and for 2009. 
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