Status of Opimd (FSO-PIM)...

"Bernd (Jesus McCloud) Prünster" bernd.pruenster at
Tue Jan 20 19:15:26 CET 2009

Nicola Mfb schrieb:
> 2009/1/20 "Marco Trevisan (Treviño)" <mail at 
> <mailto:mail at>>
>     [...]
>     So, please, could someone inform us about his status and the plans for
>     it? I guess that this would be good also for people that would like to
>     improve it.
> May someone inform us about his features too?
> It will manage only extended contacts or events/alarms/todo and so on?
> And as FSO is only the backend, are there collaborations with 
> shr/paroli, or a gui prototype will be implemented in zhone?
> I'm interested in this too in order to know if we have to wait further 
> the fso/pim release.
>        Nicola
MS5 planned features:

Robust SMS handling
PIM integration (API preview, experimental, off by default)

I am not expecting too much of the PIM in the first place, since it is 
declared as an api preview.

and the fso team delivered their prior milestones quite in time, so i do 
not understand, why everyone wants to know, since it should only take a 
couple of days till ms5 is out.

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