Conflict when several apps use the accelerometers?

Al Johnson openmoko at
Mon Jan 26 17:31:53 CET 2009

On Monday 26 January 2009, Helge Hafting wrote:
> Hendrik Siedelmann wrote:
> > Get higher gps accuracy using accelerometer data (or use it when driving
> > through a tunnel) would be a nice example.
> That'd be interesting. Do anyone know the precision of the
> accelerometers? Assuming, of course, that one has a car mount so the
> phone has a known orientation relative to the car. How long tunnels
> would be feasible? Where I live, there are some 4km tunnels that curve
> slightly, and a shorter one with a roundabout inside. :-/
> Usually, one also uses the car speedometer for this. I have a box that
> converts this to serial - perhaps a serial to usb converter could be
> used to connect the phone.

Could do. The other thing that would work in many cars would be a USB CAN bus 
adaptor. This may give access to other useful signals too.

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