what tests for (non working) 3G SIM?

Robert Piasek robert.piasek at member.fsf.org
Tue Jan 27 11:44:11 CET 2009

On Monday 26 January 2009 20:53:24 Chris Syntichakis wrote:
> Hi,
> As I see the SIM from 3mobile (UK) is not working with the GTA02v6 (running
> SHR unstable).

As far as I'm aware (Hutchison 3G) - Three - is UMTS 2100 _only_ and won't 
work with 2G phones like GTA02/GTA03. I've updated my firmware and still can't 
use it with Three. That makes my Freerunner a toy and not daily phone. 
Currently I've got 3G simcard from O2 (which is 2G/3G network) and it 
registers (after firmware update). 

Let's hope GTA04/05 will be 3G.

> Should I run any debugging tests (just for your info..)?
> If so, what can I do?

There is nothing you can do.


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