[SHR] illume predictive keyboard is too slow

Michal Brzozowski rusolis at poczta.fm
Thu Jan 29 10:18:18 CET 2009

2009/1/29 Olof Sjobergh <olofsj at gmail.com>

> I think most problems could be solved by using a dictionary format
> similar to what you describe above, i.e. something like:
> match : candidate1 candidate2; frequency
> for example:
> vogel : Vogel Vögel; 123
> That would mean you can search on the normalised word where simple
> strcmp works fine and will be fast enough.

This dictionary would have hundreds of millions of rows even if you take
only reasonable user inputs. But what to do if the users inputs something
that's not in the dictionary? Of course I'm assuming you want to correct
typos, as it's doing now.

vogel: Vogel, Vögel
vigel: Vogel, Vögel
vpgel: Vogel, Vögel
wogel: Vogel, Vögel
wigel: Vogel, Vögel
vigem: Vogel, Vögel
vigwl: Vogel, Vögel
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