request for audiotagging

Risto H. Kurppa risto at
Fri Jun 5 08:16:49 CEST 2009

OSM yes, Openmoko Yes.

There's some kind of mapping GUI at
It shows buttons that you can press to add tags in .osm format: speed
limits etc.

I haven't had a close look at it, it was suggested to me here: (read the
comments by pavel)

I think it could be extended/completed to be a usable tool, even wehn
biking. It doesn't understand the road names etc but is a handy tool
to add POI's etc. Someone with .py skill please have a look at it. If
one would use this mokomapper with audio recorder, it'd be a powerful
combination: the most simple tags you'd get by clicking FR and then
read the street names.

So far I've been just recording the track with tangogps and taking
photos and then sync gps and EXIF times.

regarding JOSM, I wouldn't use it on FR: I want a big screen to be
able to do precisely what I want, to analyze the saved audio/gps/POI
data.. (and I son't know what's the status of Java on OM..)

Please don't let this thread die before we have a good solution!


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

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