request for audiotagging

Risto H. Kurppa risto at
Fri Jun 5 09:31:31 CEST 2009

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 9:57 AM, kimaidou<kimaidou at> wrote:
> I really wish we have a tool as OSMtracker for our freerunners :
> It has big button, can record audio, etc. . Is there any hope one with
> coding skills can use it as an example to code a similar GUI and engine ?

See my previous post:

> There's some kind of mapping GUI at
> It shows buttons that you can press to add tags in .osm format: speed
> limits etc.
> I haven't had a close look at it, it was suggested to me here:
> (read the
> comments by pavel)
> I think it could be extended/completed to be a usable tool, even wehn
> biking. It doesn't understand the road names etc but is a handy tool
> to add POI's etc. Someone with .py skill please have a look at it. If
> one would use this mokomapper with audio recorder, it'd be a powerful
> combination: the most simple tags you'd get by clicking FR and then
> read the street names.


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi

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