Fundamental Qi question

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak seba.dos1 at
Sat Jun 6 21:49:39 CEST 2009

On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 21:42, arne anka<openmoko at> wrote:
>>> now i see, that indeed qi with flash has at least ... limited usability,
>>> because obviously due to jffs2 support (however that is possible, since
>>> jffs2 is the first fs of the freerunner) that file appending boot
>>> options
>>> can not be read.
>>    Qi can read the kernel from NAND simply because the kernel partition
>> does
>> not use a file system. We just just dump the kernel image there.
>  from werner's explanation i understand why it is designed so, sd being the
> preferred storage.
> yet, i think it's a flaw not to support jffs2 -- but that's just my
> opinion.
> using the u-boot env as surrogate /boot/append*, as springs to mind and
> was suggested, sounds like a good idea -- but the beauty of the
> /boot//append* file is of course its easy access and modification.

Well, something like cat /boot/append-GTA02 > /dev/mtdblock2 should be
enough to save modifications :)

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