GSM Buzz fix also applicable to GTA01?

Joerg Reisenweber joerg at
Wed Mar 4 11:48:03 CET 2009

Am Mi  4. März 2009 schrieb Tilman Baumann:
> I have the feeling my GTA01 would also need the buzz fix.
> Especially in high antenna power situations I have quite substantial 
> buzzing.
> That might be new, since I have never seen this before, but I only 
> lately started to use my GTA01 as my main phone, I was more of a land 
> line type before.
> So my question is basically if the GTA02 buzz fix works for me and is it 
> reasonable to think that I need it?
> Maybe it can really be fixed with a better alsa state file.
> GTA02 and GTA01 seem to differ quite substantially in regard to board 
> layout, but I guess the audio schematic does not so much.
> -- 
> Imagination is more important than knowledge.

I'll answer more detailed questions on HW-ML (as you can tell from delay I 
read [community] rather infrequent).
Basically the answer is: yes applies to GTA01 as well.
And no we don't think buzz can be fixed by better statefile neither on gta02 
nor on gta01.

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