[Om2009] testing Release 3

Hans Zimmerman hans at everlasting.be
Sat May 9 22:18:15 CEST 2009

Angus Ainslie wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-05-09 at 16:42 +0100, Christian Gagneraud wrote:
>> Angus Ainslie wrote:
>>> Hi,
>> [...]
>>> PS for the power users that would just like to do an opkg update; opkg upgrade it
>>> won't work.  At the very minimum you will need to 
>>> opkg remove -force-depends frameworkd paroli 
>>> and then reinstall them ( and no -force-reinstall won't be enough )
>> Why do you say "At the very minimum", what else is required/recommended?
>> I would like to upgrade from testing 2 to testing 3, can you confirm 
>> that the following will work?
>> opkg update
>> opkg remove -force-depends frameworkd paroli
>> opkg install frameworkd paroli
>> opkg upgrade
> No I can't confirm that it will work. That may be sufficient but there
> might be other dependencies I have missed, some will be upgrade
> automatically but there is a small class ( those packages pegged from
> git and svn repos ) that won't upgrade automatically. The only thing I
> can confirm is that I have used this technique on one of the testing
> phones and the phone seemed to work correctly.
> The only way to guarantee that all of the dependencies are properly
> upgraded is to flash the image.
>> As well do i need to update the kernel and/or Qi?
> If qi was working with release 2 it doesn't need to be changed and the
> kernel is the same as release 2.

My update sequence showed some errors.
Actions executed:
opkg remove -force-depends frameworkd paroli
opkg update
opkg upgrade
opkg install frameworkd paroli
-> paroli did not install because of conflict with the file 
/usr/share/elementary/themes/default.edj with elementary-themes
opkg remove elementary-themes -recursive
opkg install paroli
opkg install paroli-autostart paroli-sounds
-> paroli did not want to start because of missing dependency
opkg install python-elementary
-> paroli starts, waiting for someone to call me on saterday night :)


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