Which Java JRE?

Martin Jansa martin.jansa at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 07:19:42 CET 2009

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 03:06:35PM +0000, Arigead wrote:
> Hello all,
>     I'm working on a project and I think it'd be cool as to show off the
> project's work on a phone. The OpenMoko phone ;-)
> Unfortunately the project is implemented in Java, which I'm no fan of on
> anything but a web server or browser but that's a discussion for another
> day.
> I tried our system, which is running in an OSGi Container, on Jamvm on
> the OpenMoko. It works but it sucks up 95% of the CPU when it's idle.
> Not Good! I tried the same on my eeePC and with Sun's JRE our system
> uses 1% of CPU whilst JamVM on the eeePC uses 40%. Obviously JamVM does
> not suit our system.

No idea if it would be better, but have you tried cacao? Its in shr-feeds now again.

uin:136542059                jid:Martin.Jansa at gmail.com
Jansa Martin                 sip:jamasip at voip.wengo.fr 

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