Centralization of graphical awesomeness

EdorFaus edorfaus at xepher.net
Tue Oct 27 12:01:59 CET 2009

On Tuesday 27 October 2009 11:47:22 DJDAS wrote:
> Xavier Cremaschi wrote:
> > A fast FR means a simple GUI and QtMoko is simple and pretty... I would
> > say it's well balanced indeed, it fits well the FR. But E17 displaying
> > same simple gui controls would be faster, no doubt.
> This doesn't mean E17 is written better than qt, but the exactly opposite

I think there's a terminology problem here, that probably causes some 
confusion. E17 is not the name of the interface. It is the name of the 
libraries used to build the interface. The standard home interface on SHR, 
which uses E17, is called Illume, I believe.

Thus, what I think you mean, is that while E17 may have faster code than Qt, 
*Illume* (the interface) is not written better than the Qt-based interface, 
because it uses too many of the features (such as the earlier mentioned 
transparency), instead of being well adapted to the FR (to be responsive).


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