apt-portal import opkg repos :) & some comments

Markus Törnqvist mjt at nysv.org
Wed Sep 2 06:28:41 CEST 2009

On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 11:00:01PM +0100, Joao Pinto wrote:
>> I'm pretty sure we went over this somewhere bit looking at sqlite3 getdeb.db
>> and .schema I can't find a relation between package and application!
>> There's application.source_package VARCHAR(128) and package.source VARCHAR(64)
>> but surely that's not used for joining ;)
>This relation is done by the source_package field, applications are
>related to a single source package, the source package must provide a
>binary package classified with "m" main to be shown on the updates
>list. So yes it is used for joining despite the lack of enforcement of
>referential integrity.

Is this as heavy as it sounds to me?-)

Either doing JOIN over VARCHAR or in code iterating results in a for
loop and doing SELECT over them; both options are heavy.

I know the showroom/apt-portal at large isn't necessarily useful for
sources, but would it make sense to model source packages, just to get
a "normal" foreign key?



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