Contacts from Nokia N70 to opimd with PISI: no phone field

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak seba.dos1 at
Mon Sep 7 18:26:41 CEST 2009

On 9/7/09, Michael Pilgermann <kichkasch at> wrote:
> In this context:
> What is the set of prefixes you are using / supporting in opimd?? (any
> link to documentation??)
> thx in advance
> Michael

Well, ATM only tel:, as there are no specialized functionalities for
different protocols. Probably when FSO will get nice VoIP support also
sip: and friends will be supported.

If you want to store some numbers for different protocol, just use
different prefix. But for storing phone numbers usable in GSM networks
use tel: prefix ;)

Sebastian Krzyszkowiak

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