Device Orientation API

Matthias Huber matthias.huber at
Thu Sep 10 10:20:29 CEST 2009

Patryk Benderz schrieb:
> [cut]
>> Basically, it's sending you a string whenever the orientation changes. Valid 
>> substrings contain "portrait", "landscape", "faceup", "facedown".
> IMHO using integers where (x,y,z) are -1,0 or 1, would be better idea.
> This way you could make mathematical operations on this. Or use a
> conditions like: (x=1,y>=0,z<0). There is already some info about axis
> on wiki somewhere
... and for putting this together, one could make macro(tests) ot the
     portrait := (x,y,z) =~ (90,0,270)

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