Icon issue with SHR-unstable...

John Dowd jdowdster at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 17:05:30 CEST 2009

I can run the Linphone app but on the neo main display the linphone icon is 
shown as the default (or unknown) icon of a blank page.

The linphone app has a linphone.png file under /usr/share/pixmaps (I just 
copied it there) but after I rebooted, it's still the blank page showing.

Where should the linphone icon file go and is a "png" format the correct 
format to use for SHR?


"To Err is human, to forgive is NOT company policy."

John Dowd
S/W Contractor
email: jdowd at gmail dot com
Cell: (613)316-7884
Home: (613)234-7884
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