Updated package for the puzzle collection

EdorFaus edorfaus at xepher.net
Wed Sep 23 16:23:33 CEST 2009

On Tuesday 22 September 2009 19:46:50 Steven ** wrote:
> What are the new games?

Filling, Galaxies and Unequal are new, and in a way Loopy too, since it never 
worked (for me anyway) in oh-puzzles. There are also new features, such as 
Loopy supporting more than just square grid layouts (but I don't know 
everything about what's new - I don't even know when oh-puzzles was forked).

> I'd prefer to
> be able to launch a specific game right away, as opposed to some sort
> of launcher script that makes me select which game I want to launch.

Same here, really. But I can understand that others might want one.

> Perhaps you could do both?  By default, install a wrapper script.  But
> also provide a second ipk that creates all the .desktop files for each
> game.

Well, that would have the wrapper show up as an icon even when you have the 
other package installed. However, I could make two extra packages - one for 
separate icons, and one with the wrapper, and Recommends: both as alternatives 
(with OR between them). That should satisfy both use cases, right?

Um... does opkg support Recommends: to suggest installation of other packages?
(Like how apt does unless you tell it not to?)

If not, I suppose I could come up with some kind of postinst magic to remove 
the wrapper if the other package is installed...

> I only play 3 or 4 of the 24 games anyways...

I don't play all of them either. Maybe we could come up with some system for 
the .desktop files that would let the user "disable" some, without having them 
return when the package is upgraded (like they would if they were deleted)?

Or maybe the games should be split into separate packages? Seems a bit much 
with 27 different packages though, yet otherwise, what games should be put 
together in the same package?


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