Detecting 1024 on qtmoko (and others)

Peter Mogensen apm at
Fri Apr 23 18:12:25 CEST 2010


I'm about to wake up from having spend the last year being 100% 
dependent on a always working phone, so the FR have been on the shelf.

Now, I'm trying to figure out if I should have the phone #1024 fixed.

Initial tests on SHR using the script from the Wiki 
and trying the AT-command sequence from seems to show 
no signs of the bug.
However, when I tried with QtMoko and changed the deep sleep modem conf 
Active=never to Active=always, the PIN dialog never came up and QtMoko 
just showed a "No network" message.

So do anyone have pointers to fool-proof 1024 bug detection on QtMoko 
and SHR?

It seems what I've done until now points in 2 different directions.


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