[wikireader] Fully automated script ready !

Thomas Hocedez thomas.hocedez at free.fr
Thu Feb 4 23:41:58 CET 2010

Hi wikireaders,

As I told before, my automated script is ready !And this script is 
totally "cronable" :!
It manage every step, from downloading Wikipedia archive in your 
language to the installation. 

it is available here : http://freerunner.daily.free.fr/files/autowiki.sh
Just modify with your ftp parameters (for ftp'ing images) & mail (to be 
adverted on each step). then launch

$ autowiki.sh fr

for french Wikipedia

$ autowiki be

for Biello-russian Wikipedia

Some of you would say that it also could check if the wikireader folder 
exists & install or upgrade source from the git, well, I let you some 
work to do ;-)

I'm still available for any suggestion or anything else.

The code is following.

# Automation script for rendering a Wikipedia image for the FR
# Written by AstHrO  / openmoko-fr.org / thomas.hocedez at free.fr
# V 1.0
# Todo
#  param1 : language (fr,en,be,lu....)

# =========================
# Ftp host configuration :


# Folder where the wikireader tools are installed


# =========================

# Language extension of the WP (fr,en, nl ...)
if [[ "$1" = "" ]];  then

# You don't have to change following stuff, but you can ...

echo "---" > $mail_msg

# Going to the working folder :
cd $wr_folder

# cleaning old treatments :
echo $sep
echo "Step 1 : CLeaning..."
make clean &>/dev/null

# downloading interesting WP :
echo $sep
echo "Step 2 : Downloading dump ..."
rm $cfile &>null
wget http://download.wikimedia.org/${lang}wiki/latest/$cfile 
ls -l $cfile | mail -s "[WR] Wikipedia dump downloaded"  "$mail" < $mail_msg

# uncompressing :
echo $sep
echo "Step 3 : Uncompressing ..."
rm $ufile &>/dev/null
bzip2 -d ./$cfile 2> log.txt &1> /dev/null

#creating some folders :
mkdir work &>/dev/null
mkdir image &>/dev/null

echo $sep
echo "Step 4 : Indexing Articles..."
# Creating index of articles :
make index XML_FILES="$ufile" DESTDIR=image WORKDIR=work 2> log.txt 1> 

# Parsing  :  (30>60 sec / 1000)
echo $sep
echo "Step 5 : Parsing Articles ..."
make parse -j3  XML_FILES="$ufile" DESTDIR=image WORKDIR=work 2>log.txt
#mail -s "[WR] Parsing of $ufile complete !"  "$mail" < $mail_msg

# Rendering the file : (60>200 sec / 1000)
echo $sep
echo "Step 6 : Rendering ..."
make render -j3  XML_FILES="$ufile" DESTDIR=image WORKDIR=work 2>log.txt
#mail -s "[WR] Rendering of $ufile complete !"  "$mail" < $mail_msg

echo $sep
echo "Step 7 : Finalizing ..."
# Combining articles indexes (few seconds)
make combine -j3 DESTDIR=image WORKDIR=work > $mail_msg

# Generating a Hash (last few seconds dude !)
make hash -j3  DESTDIR=image WORKDIR=work >> $mail_msg

# Going to output folder
cd image
echo $sep
echo "Step 8 : Compressing files..."
# Compressing  data files
tar -cvf wr_${lang}_$(date '+%d-%m-%Y').tar.gz pedia*.*

# a little HASH to be sure ...
shasum wr_${lang}_$(date '+%d-%m-%Y').tar.gz >  sha_${lang}.txt
#mail -s "[WR] Hash of your file..."  "$mail" < $mail_msg
echo $sep
echo "Step 9 : Let's FTP all this !"
# Let's FTP all this stuff
ftp -n << EOF
open $ftp_host
user $ftp_login $ftp_passd
put wr_${lang}_$(date '+%d-%m-%Y').tar.gz
echo $sep
echo "Step 10 : Enjoy !"
#mail -s "[WR] All done, WP image ready to use !"  "$mail"

# That's it you can now send a mail to your friends.

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