Experiment: better sound on remote end

Xavier Cremaschi omega.xavier at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 16:54:35 CET 2010

On 06/02/2010 15:51, Neil Jerram wrote:
> On 2 December 2009 13:47,<rms at 1407.org>  wrote:
>>         3. change control 63 (it's also on line 63), so that it ends in 3 rather than in 2:
>>          * Old value: 63:'Mic Sidetone Mux':1:2
>>          * New value: 63:'Mic Sidetone Mux':1:3
> I just rediscovered this improvement, by playing with alsamixer; then
> found this existing thread by googling.
> So: yes, I can confirm that changing 'Mic Sidetone Mux' from 'Mic 2'
> to 'Right PGA' improves call audio for my callees.  My wife even
> described it as 'quite fine' :-).
> Regards,
>           Neil
But if you use the speaker (intone, podboy, mplayer...), don't you have 
sound only in one side (right in your case) ?

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