elm_browser initial release

Rui Miguel Silva Seabra rms at 1407.org
Sun Feb 14 10:40:50 CET 2010

Em 14-02-2010 02:26, c_c escreveu:
>> - preconfigured to handle https
>   Hmm, I could add the /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt to the ipk for
> now. What do you think?

Please don't!

It should be in it's own package, and not provided by each application.
If you want, while it's not in its own package, package your own
(/usr/share/ventura/ca-certificates.crt for instance).

However, thank you very much for that tip, so my elmdentica code works
with SSL but all it lacked was that file... I copied it from my laptop
and now I have SSL working on the Freerunner, so cool!

Anyone knows of a package that has this file and should be installed by
default even though it isn't currently?


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