[qtmoko] New significant speedups coming to FreeRunner

Rui Miguel Silva Seabra rms at 1407.org
Mon Feb 15 19:33:56 CET 2010

Em 15-02-2010 13:03, Radek Polak escreveu:
>> I think the slowness of the graphics can be explained by not having the
>> kernel-modules installed. 
> The slowness is more likely because SHR runs on top of X while QtMoko draws 
> directly to framebuffer.

A framebuffer device is usually slower than a native driver under X.

My Freerunner's UI performance definitely felt a bit faster after moving
to the native driver.

I also noticed this in my SmartQ7 after moving from the framebuffer to a
native driver.

The slowness of the graphics is better explained by the brain deadness
of the hardware.

Now... Qt from framebuffer devices is very highly optimized, so it may
be a bit faster than other Windows managers, but it also does a lot less
(like not being exactly a window manager).


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