QtMoko v19

Radek Polak psonek2 at seznam.cz
Tue Feb 16 22:22:29 CET 2010

-= Apertum =- wrote:

> No problem Radek, and thanks anyway for your super effort :-)

I am glad to hear it, thanks too.
> I think that the community behind QtMoko now it's not so tiny, but we
> need a method to concentrate better our efforts. IE: on the site it must
> be some places to easily report bugs, problems or feedback by users, to
> help testing (and betatesting) fo this (great) distribution. Something
> like a bug tracker, answer for users, and so on,  more over wiki.
> Maybe we can open it on launchpad ?

I have already project on sourceforge. Although i have nothing against 
launchpad, i'd like to use the existing infrastructure. Maybe we can talk 
about it in #qtmoko irc.

> It's there a stable main developer group behind QtMoko or is only a
> onemanwork?

There is probably no stable contributor now, but the occasional contributors 
are great. I just felt like wow and couldnt believe when i saw Arora or 
NeronGPS. Or the bugs in latest release fixed by Jeroen. It's perfect work and 
many thanks for it.

Btw i have very little time lately (family, money work and trying to do some 
sports). Please dont expect too much from me :-)



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