[SHR] Application for desktop categories

Martin Jansa martin.jansa at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 11:25:36 CET 2010

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 09:16:36PM +1100, Michael Smith wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Feb 2010 11:01:39 +0100
> Olivier Migeot <larrycow at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Just an idea, about DeskCat : since adding more categories - in order
> > to remove desktop clutter - will _actually_ add new desktop clutter in
> > the mean of category icons, wouldn't it be possible/better/stupid to
> > only use one icon and cycle through categories? You could change that
> > icon's title - or even pixmap - regarding the currently displayed
> > category.
> Right now you can use the DeskCat application to put the category launchers into categories, so you can configure it that way if you want. You just have to work around a small bug: when you create a category its launcher doesn't appear in deskcat until after deskcat is restarted. This is because the application list is loaded at startup.
> Another way might be to have a single DeskCat application which lets you choose the category to display on the desktop. This way will be slower because of the need to open a GUI application but not as slow as flipping between two categories. I might try to implement this in the future.

Haven't tried it yet, but from what I'm reading, does it just move the
.desktop file to subdir and then if I reinstall some package (and
original .desktop file is restored) then I'll see both icons?

Please also note that illume2 homescreen is said to be much more easier
to customize/improve and shr-launcher/DeskCat features would be nice to 
have integrated there as SHR will move to illume2 as soon as it gets as
usable as illume1 is now (hopefully soon as every new illume2 version is
getting closer fast).


uin:136542059                jid:Martin.Jansa at gmail.com
Jansa Martin                 sip:jamasip at voip.wengo.fr 

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